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Sunday, September 19, 2010


The process of our short film was quite easy. The first piece created is a looped 2D drawn animation of a person walking. it is comprised of 40 frames each drawn in illustrator with a 10fps rate. The intention behind it was to show the magic of still images working together to create a short animation.

Th next process was done by frame by frame. taking a total of around 200 pictures and compiling them using an animation software to create a single 15sec video. The subjects was made out of plaster cine and the intended result was to show a flower, inferring that all the aspects of media i.e, music, video and text, come together to create the magic.

Editing a photo of one of our group mates to make it into a simple cartoon, using photoshop to edit the animation.


The final poster is composed of a coloured gradient picture and writings that have been warped to make it seem like magick text.
The music was played out by Nur Liyana.

Grimoire Of Creative Multimedia

The video at last!
The aim of the video is to show that when we watch a movie or listen to a song, we connect to it on a deeper level. We read between the lines to see the message the artist intended. A slow song can mean sadness, even without lyrics.
The video shows a few techniques artists use to push meaning, all with the aid of music, background and tex