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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How I Made My Assignment-2 ( CG lll )

This is an assignment made for my CG lll. It's 15 seconds long and includes 1000 frames. It's all done by flash CS4. I'm going to show how and what took me to make this short flash. I thought putting some images from my actual flash will make it easier for you guys to understand my process. The first picture (below) shows how i made my countdown from 5 to 1. its very easy, all i did was to add a black background and make it as a keyframe. then i did the same thing to the numbers 5 to 1. its shown in the timeline.

As i moved to the next levels i started using some more complicated features like, Motion Tween. This feature allows you to create more frames lesser time. It also gives you the ability to move subjects from a path to another. The words in the image (below) "UNITY" and "LOVE" are movable subjects and its made by Motion Tween.

The third image (below) moves in different ways. like, as the picture moves, it also loses it's size, it gets smaller. This thing can only be done by the Feature called, Classic tween.
There are lots of things that can be done by Classic Tween. it just needs a lot of patience and hard work to find all the cool things you can do with it.

And finally the last image (below) was done by Motion Tween and Keyframing. Keyframe for the black background. Motion tween for the moving words. you should know Keyframing, then you'll be able to make Motion Tween out of anything.