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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention were what i learned in week 3 in the class. well i have learned about these alot in my life but the way i looked at it that day, was different. I found out that Creativity is not just about movies, musics or anything that comes from Art. i finally found it's true meaning. It happens to our lives everyday. sometimes its so simple that we dont even know it happened and sometimes its so as it called "Creative" that it will amaze ourselves more than anybody else around us. In my opinion anyone can be a creative if he/she looks closely at what he/she is doing everyday. lets look at these words more specifically.

Creativity is the ability to think of things in different ways. use it to create things that never were created and use them again to solve big problems that people are facing.

Novelty, something new and unusual. Imagine a game thats new to you. a stragic game. the feeling that we have against that game is called novelty. we wont get tired of it untill we finish the whole level of it's story. it's newness will make adults go through it's new world and see how technology and novelty work together. this is what i understand of novelty. its novel, its new and it makes people not to resist playing it.

Innovation shows people what the creatives are up to, what they have made and are ready to be introduced to the whole world. When iPhone was made without innovation it would never be known. because when it was created it needed to be introduced as well, so people would know the new technology it's presenting.

Invention is the last thing creatives do. first they think of something that was never made, then they make sure that its new to the today's technology and life time and after making sure of those they introduce it to the world and finally they invent or produce the product so people can see, use or enjoy.

I was surfing on my facebook the other day and i found this brilliant piece of work. This girl draws almost any subject by sand. She is so perfect she doesnt even stop to redo her mistakes, because there are'nt any! This can be a innovation and creativity or even an invention. invention of drawing by sand. Just perfect.

Here is another video i found on the net. this is absolutely amazing!!! its amaing how they have made it. in some parts you wont believe its real but by looking at it closely you will be amazed even more.

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